Facility Problem Solvers
The California Voting Rights Act ("CVRA") was signed into Law in 2002. The CVRA along with California Elections Code § 14025-14032, is designed to ensure that minorities receive fair representation in district Trustee elections. California Election Code §14027 further defines the law concerning how Trustee elections should be held.
For districts that still hold “At-Large” elections for their trustees, the 2020 U.S. Census data should be analyzed to determine if there is a need to switch to “district-based” elections and establish trustee areas in order to comply with State and Federal election requirements.
District based elections require equal representation for each trustee area. To verify compliance, there can be a maximum variance of 10% between the areas with the smallest and largest populations. A District that currently utilizes Trustee areas, is required to re-evaluate compliance with election laws when the 2020 U.S. Census data becomes available. There is a legal deadline to complete the analysis and make any necessary adjustments by March of 2022.
Trustee Boundaries
Trustee Boundary Analysis - Research and Analysis
Part 1 - Census Data Analysis / Part 2 - Trustee Area Boundary Study